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Melancholy: The "Happiness of Being Sad"

Writer's picture: Katelyn PabilaKatelyn Pabila

Updated: Mar 30, 2019

1. My Sketchnotes...

2. Out of the 14 words for sadness and depression that do not exist in English, the word that I can relate to the most is the word Koev halev. This Hebrew word refers to a specific type of empathy. It is when you cannot watch someone close to you suffering because you can feel the pain too. I experienced this word this year in the eleventh grade. It all began because one of my best friends since kindergarten and my first friend at Mid-Pac got her very first boyfriend. At first, the two of them were getting along well and they almost never got into quarrels. However, every once in a while their would be an incident. Every time this occurred my friend would call me to confide in me and she would be crying asking for advice. The first few times, I didn't think much of it because I knew no relationship is perfect, but as it continued I knew it was too much. However, she kept putting up with him. She kept putting up with his flakiness, his last minute planning, and his ungentleman like manners. She would continue to always call me when she needed someone to talk to, but every time she did this, I would be in pain too. Seeing my best friend hurt, hurt me too. Overtime, I began to develop a grudge against her boyfriend because I hated how much pain and suffering he put her through sometimes. What was sad, was that me and her boyfriend were good friends, but suddenly, I couldn't stand to be around him anymore. I didn't like the way he treated my friend. They eventually broke up, and I still held the grudge against him. A few months later, after multiple apologies, I forgave him, and I realized that this was his first time being in a serous relationship, and he was trying his best to learn what was expected of him as a good boyfriend.

3. Favorite melancholy quote...

4. My favorite line from the poem is "ruby grape of Proserpine". This is a poison and it is saying not to commit suicide. I just watched the movie, A Star is Born, and in the end the husband ends up hanging himself. I understand that it may be hard to understand what that person has gone through but I feel that committing suicide can be selfish. You leave the people you love behind in miserable, unbearable pain.

5. The song that I added to the Spotify playlist is I'll Always Remember You by Hannah Montana.

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